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NOK 529

Ways of Analyzing Teaching Quality

Potentials and Pitfalls
Recent research suggests that there is a direct link between quality of teaching and teacher's instructions and student achievement scores. Additionally, there is a strong correlation between levels of teaching quality and differences between schools and classrooms. However, measuring teaching quality has proven to be difficult and scholars strive to decide on the what and the how when aiming to measure teaching quality. This book discusses the many dilemmas of measuring teaching quality, be it substantial, theoretical, or methodological. This edited volume presents eight chapters, assigned authors provide updated and new knowledge on the many challenges linked to defining what teaching quality is and how it can be measured.

This collection of chapters originates from the discussions at the QUINT Conference 2019: Analysing Teaching Quality: Perspectives, Potential, and Pitfalls, organized by the Nordic Centre of Excellence: Quality in Nordic Teaching 18−20 June 2019 at the University of Oslo.

Detailed information

  • Pages: 256
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9788215045061
  • Publication date: 10.02.2022
  • Book group: 215

Marte Blikstad-Balas

Marte Blikstad-Balas er professor ved Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning, Universitetet i Oslo. Hennes forskningsinteresser er literacy, lesing, skriving, digitale medier, klasseromsforskning, norskdidaktikk, forskningsmetodologi og videostudier. Blikstad-Balas har lang undervisningserfaring fra både grunnskolen og videregående skole. Hun har skrevet en rekke artikler om elevers bruk av ulike tekster i skolen, for eksempel om hvordan Wikipedia og lærebøker brukes i skolearbeid.

Blikstad-Balas har en rekke roller i forskningsprosjekter. Hun er leder av prosjektet Video to Support Excellence in Teaching (VIST), nestleder i Nordic Centre of Excellence - Quality in Nordic Teaching (QUINT), team leader i QUINT Theme 3 - Using videos to support teachers' professional learning. Hun er også medlem av Akademiet for yngre forskere, advisory board i Nordic Journal of Literacy Research og Landslaget for norskundervisnings Bokredaksjon.
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Michael Tengberg

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