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kr 619

Project Management

From Startup to Success
Project management is a widely employed approach in both the public and private sectors. This book offers a comprehensive and easy-to-read introduction to all aspects of project work. It presents the most crucial subjects in a clear and thorough manner, and is enriched with numerous practical examples. Furthermore, key concepts are elucidated through various real-life case studies.

Designed with a well-organized structure for ease of use, Project Management primarily targets students enrolled in Project Management courses. However, it will also serve as a valuable resource for individuals involved in projects or collaborating with project teams. Project personnel can utilize this book as a guide and reference work, whether to acquire knowledge about processes, methods, and techniques for dealing with everyday challenges, or to enhance their understanding of a project's role and its significance for achieving a company's strategic goals.

To facilitate learning, the book includes exercises and supplementary materials, which are available from These resources cater to the needs of both students and lecturers.

Informasjon om boka

  • Sider: 392
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • ISBN: 9788215063935
  • Utgivelsesdato: 28.07.2023
  • Bokgruppe: 212
Jan Terje Karlsen

Jan Terje Karlsen

Jan Terje Karlsen er professor i prosjektledelse ved Handelshøyskolen BI. Han er utdannet siviløkonom og og har i mange år forsket på og undervist i forskjellige aspekter ved prosjektledelse. Han har i tillegg, blant annet gjennom deltakelse i fregattprosjektet til Sjøforsvaret, også ervervet betydelig praktisk erfaring med gjennomføring av prosjekter.
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