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Cross Cultural Business Behavior 5th edition

A Guide for Global Management
For almost a decade Cross-Cultural Business Behavior has been praised by business people and by students as "an eminently useful guide to the global marketplace."

Business behavior in markets around the world is constantly evolving, impelled by generational shifts, improvements in education and (especially) increasing exposure to the world marketplace. That is why all the Negotiator profiles - including detailed information on 43 different business cultures - have been thoroughly updated, with new cases and fresh examples added. In addition, international manager's challenges have changed too. Just a few years ago managers around the world were mainly interested in how to communicate and negotiate with overseas partners. But they now find that their toughest challenges are how to manage overseas subsidiaries, strategic alliances and international partnerships. To reflect these new realities the book's time-tested framework for understanding cross-cultural negotiating behavior has been expanded to include a wide variety of practical pointers on managing in today's global marketplace.

«Very often books on management show deep theoretical insights, however, lack advice for real business life. In this respect Richard Gesteland is a very welcome exception. This book is written by a practitioner for other practitioners, for business executives doing business with counterparts from other cultures. Gesteland's set of cultural dimensions that tells us how to pinpoint differences and similarities with respect to other cultures overlaps with those of other authors' but differs with espect to cross-cultural negotiations. This book is full of valuable tips and examples, it is extremely instructive; in other words it is a must for all those who do business across cultures.»
Professor Doctor Bernd Waldeck, Fachhochschule Kiel,
University of Applied Sciences, Germany

«Why do many cross-cultural business negotiations fail to yield the purchasing or sales results esired? It's often due to a lack of cultural awareness and sensitivity. Cross-Cultural Business Behavior addresses this gap by identifying and drilling into the cultural tendencies of different parts of the world. The book is a distillation of Richard Gesteland's 26 years as an expatriate manager in Germany, Austria, Italy, Brazil, India and Singapore - along with his subsequent experience as a cross-cultural business consultant. His no-nonsense, pragmatic approach provides an accessible set of cases and "how-to" tools for busy international negotiators and businesspeople. Don't leave home without it!»
Director Linda Gorchels, Marketing Talent Development,
University of Wisconsin, Madison School of Business, USA

«Richard Gesteland has once again succeeded in explaining the world within the covers of one book. The contents prove to be an indispensable handbook for anyone needing to learn how to deal with people from different cultural backgrounds and even to communicate successfully with them. Being a revised edition, this one takes into account the fact that cultures change. This book can be recommended for anyone who needs to prepare for encounters in culturally new environments. One can get a long way with the practical information provided here, which is based on the author's lifelong international experience in the global business world.»
Senior Lecturer Kristina Henriksson,
Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Espoo, Finland

Informasjon om boka

  • Sider: 400
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • ISBN: 9788215020235
  • Utgivelsesdato: 27.04.2012
  • Bokgruppe: 703