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Story and Emotion

A Study in Affective Narratology
Affective narratology is applied to study emotional structures in a selection of famous literary works.
Per Thomas Andersen analyzes literary works by Kierkegaard, Dostoyevsky, Ibsen, Hamsun, J.P. Jacobsen, Schoenberg and Knausgaard. Based on perspectives from literary studies, philosophy, cognitive psychology, neurobiology and media studies, professor Andersen analyzes characters in the novels, temporal and spatial aspects of the narratives, sources of emotional impulses, and different ways in which the streams of affects turn out to be as important as events in the narrative style of the chosen authors.

This book is also available as an open access-edition at

Per Thomas Andersen is professor of Scandinavian Literature at the University of Oslo.

Informasjon om boka

  • Sider: 186
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • ISBN: 9788215027500
  • Utgivelsesdato: 01.12.2016
  • Bokgruppe: 227
  • Oversetter: Marte Hult

Per Thomas Andersen arv v/Elisabeth Oxfeldt

er professor i nordisk litteratur ved Universitetet i Oslo. Han har publisert en rekke bøker, blant annet Forstå fortellinger. Innføring i litterær analyse (2019), Norsk litteraturhistorie (2. utgave 2012), Fortelling og følelse (2016) og "Hvor burde jeg da være?" Kosmopolititisme og postnasjonalisme i nyere litteratur (2013).
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