Universitetsforlagets lokaler

Publish open access with us

Scandinavian University Press publishes open access journals, research monographs, article collections and book series in English, Norwegian, Danish and Swedish. Publishing your work with open access makes your research immediately available in PDF and HTML format for everyone on Idunn, with no login or registration required, while printed editions are available for order online.

Peer review and copyright

All our open access book publications are rigorously peer reviewed by experts in your field of specialization and go through the same thorough editorial process as our conventional publications. As author, you retain copyright to your work, and you set the terms for how others may disseminate your work by selecting a Creative Commons license. We assist you in identifying the appropriate license for your work.


Because open access publications do not generate any planned sales revenue, authors must secure funding for a Book Publishing Charge (BPC), that covers all costs related to the publishing process. There is no set fee, and each project is priced individually due to differences in scope. For more information on available funding opportunities in Norway, see the overview at openaccess.no (in Norwegian). 

Book proposals

Although there are no formal restrictions on themes and author affiliation, the majority of titles published by the press are authored and/or edited by researchers from the Nordic countries. We welcome book proposals in all academic fields, the most common being law, the humanities and social sciences.

Get in touch to talk to us in more detail about your book idea, or about the possibility of publishing your book with open access.

We also publish a number of open access journals.

More information can be found here.